Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day Trip out of Seoul ~ Paju Book City (파주시)

Paju is a city in Gyeonggi-do Province in South Korea, and located northwest of the capital city, Seoul. The city is connected to the DMZ in the north! My host mum drove us there for a day trip out of Seoul, my very first day trip since I landed in Feb!
Paju Book City (출판도시문화재단) 
Our very first stop was a traditional hanok that stood in between the blocks of unique buildings! Since my host mum drove us there I really have no idea where exactly I was. It was fun taking jumping shots with my host family though! Next up was the book city, home to 250 publishers and over 10,000 workers! Due to my lacking Korean then I really wanted to buy some children's books to read, but unfortunately I didn't find something to my liking.
Host family and guest, taken at Eungchil Bridge (응칠교)

We had lunch at this famous bakery called 따순기미 at the book city (경기 파주시 문발동 510-1, 031-8071-6075). There were free samples for tasting and I was half full after trying almost all the breads. They are really yummy!!! In particular I liked the apple bread 사과빵 (top left and bottom right pictures)! It was so soft and chewy! 

Provence Village (프로방스 마을)
How to get there (directions from visitkorea website):
* Take the bus #200 from Hapjeong, Baekseok, Madu, Daehwa Station (Seoul Subway line 3) >> Get off at Seongdong Intersecion >> 10 - 15min walk (standard taxi fare)
* Take the bus #9709 from Seoul Station (Seoul Subway line 1) >> Get off at Maekgeum-dong >> Transfer to bus #2, #3 >> Get off at Provence Village
* Take the bus #2200 from Hapjeong station (Seoul Subway line 3, Exit #1, #2) >> Get off at Seongdong Intersection >> 10 - 15min walk (standard taxi fare)
Address: 82-1, Saeori-ro, Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do
경기 파주시 탄현면 성동리 82-1

After satisfying our tummies, we set off to provence village, a themed-village with galleries, restaurants, cafes and lifestyle shops in rows of brightly coloured buildings! 
In particular there is this huge florist selling all sorts of plants and flowers! I really liked the angel's tears plant! If only I can bring it back to Singapore, I would have bought them. 
Odusan Unification Observatory (오두산 통일전망대)How to get there: 
City Bus
At Exit 5 of Daewha Subway Station (Seoul Subway Line No. 3) walk to the bus station at the back of the exit. Take bus no. 200 and get off at the entrance of Odusan Unification Observatory. The bus arrives about every 50 minutes. (bus fare 1,4000 won, 45 minute travel time) The first bus arrives at 7:50a.m. and the last 11p.m.
From Seoul Station, take Gyeongui Line and get off at Geumchon Station (Departs every 10 min / 1 hour ride). Then take local bus No. 2 or 3 (1 hour interval / 30 min ride).
Intercity Bus
1) At Seoul Subway Station walk out to Exit 3. At the bus station, take Intercity Bus No. 912 and get off at Geumchon Station. (One hour 10-20 minute ride) At Geumchon Station take shuttle bus No. 2 or 3. (Runs hourly, 30 minute ride)
2) At Shinchon Station (Seoul Subway Line no. 2) walk to Shinchon Train Station. At the front of the train station, take Intercity Bus No. 567 and 773 and get off at the last stop. (50 minute ride) Take shuttle bus no. 2 or 3.
3) At Bulgwang-dong Station take bus no. 909 and get off at Geumchon Station. (one hour and 10 minute ride) Take shuttle bus no. 2 or 3.
Address: 659, Seongdong-ri, Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do 경기도 파주시 탄현면 필승로 367
Operating Hours
Nov. ~ Feb.: 09:00-16:30
Apr. ~ Sep.: 09:00-17:30, Mar.&Oct.: 09:00-17:00
Admission Fees
- Individual: Age 19 or over: 3,000 won / 7-18: 1,600 won / -6: 1,000 won
- Group: Age 19 or over: 2,500 won / 7-18, : 1,300 won / -6: 1,000 won
* Groups are more than 30 persons.
From the observatory, you can see a clear view of North Korea border and feel the serenity of the huge ecological border in between. Using the binoculars, you can view the borders of North Korea, and see the stark contrast of the North and the South. I actually did see some North Koreans walking on the farmland through the binoculars!
North Korean products can be purchased there. Being curious, I took photos of many of the products there, until the point where the shopkeeper actually found me suspicious and asked me why I was taking photos. Since my Korean was lacking then, thankfully my host mum was there to save me! I'm just a curious person!!

It was a beautiful time of the day and I can still remember how I felt when I was on the observatory. Somehow my photos didn't turn out nice since I was not even able to force a smile. Somehow the emotions just didn't manage to bring a smile out of me.

Worth the trip if you ask me, and go during sunset as the view is really beautiful! 

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