Monday, October 14, 2013

Cafe Hopping ~ Super Junior's Kona Beans (코나빈스)

Kona Beans Apgujeong 코나빈스 압구정점
Address: Seoul, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu 1st floor 서울특별시 강남구 신사동 640-9 1층
Phone: 02 543 0070 Open from: 7am – 11pm

Yes! Finally a true travellerELF blog post! Kona Beans Apgujeong is operated by Super Junior's Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Lee Teuk's mums! It's definitely one of those must-go places for ELFs, including me! I've been to the area one year ago, but didn't step in since I wasn't with my fellow elf friends. This year, I finally went there again!
We went on a cold spring day and my favourite oppa Lee Teuk's mum was at the shop! Spoke to her briefly too but since it was the start of my learning trip, my lack in Korean prevented me from having anything more than a "nod head", "yes" conversation with her. From our brief encounter, I can tell that she's really proud of Lee Teuk as her son. I'm proud of you too oppa! 
The shop is filled with gifts from the fans, and in particular, I love these bears in the musical costumes of my biases! 
 130219 Lee Teuk - The Promise
120510 Kyuhyun - Catch me if you can - Love that smirk!
Objectively, I've not been to other Kona Beans outlets, so I'm not sure whether there's a difference in the menu. Subjectively, ELFs should go there at least once just for the sake of it! :P

Update (Jun 2014): Kona Beans is now managed by Lee Teuk's mum only, and most of the deco for Kyuhyun and Sungmin have been removed. 

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