Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What to eat in Korea ~ BBQ Meat!! Mapo Kal Mae Gi 마포갈매기

Mapo Gal Mae Gi 마포갈매기

Update: The branch I went to at Hongdae has been closed.

There are other branches around Seoul but I have only been to the Hongdae, daehakdong branches (near SNU) and Sinsa station. I like the Hongdae branch because there's window seats so the ventilation is better, and you can people watch! The service is not as good as the one near SNU though because the staff are mostly school kids and they are talking among themselves or looking at their handphones most of the time. 

The order chit is in Korean, but not to worry, just ask for an English menu!
Beef ribs and mapo galbi

The hot plate comes with a ring around it, where a mixture of egg and veggies will be added to make egg omelette! It's not free flow though! 
The usuals such as garlic, kimchi, onions, veggies are given with your orders, and you can ask for refills.
This is the Mapo Kal Mae Gi. If you translate Kal Mae Gi, it's actually seagull, but don't worry, you are not eating seagull! I preferred the pork galbi to anything else I've tried there. It's flavourful and tender! Most importantly, the prices there are so reasonable! Definitely a place to go for the budget conscious meat lover!

Average spending: 8,000krw ~ 12,000krw

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