Monday, June 9, 2014

Eats at Hongdae ~ Dalsuda 달수다

Dalsuda 달수다 
Fans of shaved ice, or bingsoo, will love this cafe selling both traditional Korean style desserts and fruit shaved ice! The queue was quite long on the Saturday we went, and we waited for a while for an empty table.

Update: The one at Hongdae has closed. Here's the outlet at Jamsil.
Address: 118 Olympic-ro, Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Google Map:
Daum / Kakao Map:

Dalsuda Menu
While we were waiting in queue, I was entertained by this Turkish ice cream seller, who spoke super casually to passersby in an attempt to attract customers. For someone like me who can understand basic Korean, he was super hilarious, from asking passersby to throw away the cups of ice cream they were holding to pretending to read the babies' minds of wanting to eat ice cream. That's him showing the passersby that his scoop of ice cream is bigger than others.
Shaved ice with Injeolmi 인절미빙수 - Injeolmi is a type of tteok that is usually covered with bean powder or other ingredients
Tteok with red bean
What I really liked about this cafe? Free flow red beans!! Really daebak for a red bean lover like me! 

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