Saturday, November 1, 2014

Unhyeongung (운현궁) ~ Re-enactment of the royal wedding ceremony of King Gojong and Queen Myeongseong

Unhyeongung (운현궁 / 云岘宫)
For those interested in Korean culture and history, be sure to catch the re-enactment of the royal wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony is held twice a year in spring and fall, and the 2 hour ceremony is an exact re-enactment of the wedding ceremony of the imperial family during the Joseon Dynasty. 
Address: 114-10 Unni-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea 서울특별시 종로구 삼일대로 464 (운니동) 首尔市钟路区三一大路464号 (云泥洞)
Phone: +82 2-766-9090
How to get there: Anguk Station (Seoul Subway Line 3), Exit 4. Go 50 m to arrive at Unhyeongung Palace on the left.

The wedding ceremony is very popular, so be sure to go early to grab a good spot.
The guests are entertained by dances and performances during the whole ceremony.

You can take photos with the Royal family after the ceremony, but the crowd made it quite impossible to get a good shot.
If you are lucky you get to take a photo with the King or Queen! 
After the ceremony, the King is carried away, and hundreds of people follow behind. 

After the crowd disperses, it's time to walk around the Palace which used to be a Royal Residence.  
Unhyeongung is a good example of traditional Korean architecture. Unlike the other bigger palaces which are brightly painted, Unhyeongung retains the modest unpainted beauty of Korean architecture.

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