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생각보다 맛있는집 (Literally "It's more delicious than you think" restaurant)
How to get there: Seoul National University Station Exit 2, walk straight for about 300m.
Address: Seoul, Gwanak-gu, Bongcheon-dong, 1598-18 서울 관악구 봉천동 1598-18 (Tel: 02-877-5717)
This chain of restaurant has a few outlets (tip: just key in the telephone number in your daum or naver map application on your phone and you can get the directions). I have only been to the one near SNU station since it's near school.
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/PDeBzRk8upS2
Daum Map: http://dmaps.kr/8agp5 

There's 4 items on the menu (costs approx. 6,000 - 7,000krw):
1. Handmade noodles with clams (바지락칼국수)
2. Red bean porridge with mochi (새알팥죽)
3. Red bean handmade noodles (팥칼국수)
4. Soya bean handmade noodles (콩국수)
 Red bean porridge with mochi (새알팥죽)

Red bean handmade noodles (팥칼국수)

Handmade noodles with clams (바지락칼국수)

Handmade noodles with clams (바지락칼국수) 2 persons portion

I haven't tried the soya bean noodles before so I have no comments on that, but i really love the rest of the dishes! Personally I'm a red bean lover, and I simply love the 2 red bean dishes! It's only slightly sweet but there's sugar (설탕) at the side so you can add more sugar accordingly to your preference. However, it may be a little too much red bean for one person, so I recommend sharing! Yes, even for a red bean lover!

For the clam noodles, the amount of clams they give is super generous, and it's really fresh! The portions are big too! 
Also, remember to try the kimchi! It's not the normal kimchi you eat at most restaurants. This is slightly more sour and spicy! It's a really good appetiser plus it's really healthy!! 

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